
Dear Dr. Lewis,

About a month ago I had laser surgery on both eyes to correct my vision up close and far away.
I can’t tell you how satisfied I am with the results!It is so easy to pick up a book or newspaper and just start reading without fumbling around for a pair of glasses. Right now typing this letter on the computer is an achievement without the use of my glasses. I can remember turning 40 and my eyesight deteriorated quickly forcing me to spend thousand of dollars on prescription bifocals, reading glasses, and contacts–nothing ever felt right on my eyes.
I will be 48 next year and my eyesight is just as good as it was before I turned 40 years old.

Your staff was very helpful and professional, I felt confident that I was in safe hands from the moment I entered your office.
I have told all my friends about my surgery and they were all amazed with my results. Thank you again for helping to make my life alot more enjoyable without the use of glasses.

